Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Stop the bullies...

 Well for any one with a child between the age of 4 to 18years of age... WATCH THIS!

There is a way to make the life of all children better.


Monday, January 24, 2022

I created a new character...

 I might be part of a live stream. As such-I have been given free roaming creative outlet to do whatever I want. I have named this child character Broadvoil Nightspur. It is for a fantasy setting game as well. I will be playing a 12 year old child with quite the background so far. It will not be a game for the feint of heart. My character will likely be going through some stuff. But that in part has much to do with how the game master runs the game as well.

Now you may not be familiar with the game system as a while, but here is the character free to use by all others.


I do own this character in whole!