Friday, November 01, 2019

A new Strange Corpse Posse project.

The audio pod/web cast. Obviously, animations were cut down and movies used in short. It just takes to long for one person to do it all. But it is still a fun project and YOU - the players really bring everything to life. Every time, I'm ever impressed. Thank you for sharing your characters and talents.

Monday, August 12, 2019

WHats happeniong with STRANGE CORPSE POSSE?

Well here we go - We decided to take a few adventures to movie, video and animation format... Yes we are! Since we are novice video folks/animators, you will see a very ecclectic free form video of a game that will be posted both as a pod cast and uploaded to youtube as a blended creative experience.

Since several voice talents also do art, you will see, never before illustrations, art, movie clips combined for a creative commons art piece from the STRANGE CORPSE POSSE TEAM.

We are keeping on to a tight time line too. So we know know it will be gritty, wonderful and full of surprises too.

Thanks for staying connected.
Stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019


Well I created this open source system netural adventure for you all.
You will find that it was intended for SAVAGE WORLDS Dead Lands RPG! But you can adapt it to any D20 game as well!

This link has content for Roll20 or usable with any virtual table top game application for your players to enjoy. I did leave a little work for the game master to do though! I know you all like to personalize things with your own touch! This is no different.


Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Newest project...

Just past the half way mark on this project weekly launch. It has been a wonderful learning and foundation building story build. I never thought I would take it to youtube for delivery, yet here it is.
Catch all shows now and the newest here!

~ Enjoy!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Hockey History!

Had a chance to see a live game where hockey history was made!
2 Hat Tricks by 2 players.
5 goals in the first peroid.
Connor McDavid set a new personal record!!
What a night!
Someone loves me someplace.
I must be a worthy date, or did something right in my life for this to happen!

What a win

To excited to post! What an amazing game! What an amazing night!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Catch up on the shows! 17 is up!

We jumped back into the podcast pool with show 17 -

Friday, January 25, 2019

Expanding our Space!

Again we want to encourage folks to participate and give us a try. You never what you'll get monthly, but NPC encounters and Maps are just 2 of the things planned over at Space Corps Posse , with many up coming things can be used in many genres too.

~ Enjoy

Creating Digital Content and Support

I'm looking to create digital content for virtual tabletop games. In order to do that, i'm looking for supporters to help fund the work. If your interested in getting monthly assets, tokens and creations. maybe a map or two, then please consider
Any an all help would be appreciated.
Thanks all!

~ Enjoy!