Saturday, April 13, 2024

Last Battle of Alberta of 2023/2024

 I try to make everyone of these game. It will not matter if it is in Edmonton or Calgary. I love getting to these games. My Favorite team, Oilers pulled out another win. 

sO gOOD! April 6, 2024 was a good night.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Art of 2023

 It has been a transition year. We have lots going on, but I currently still find down time to work on sketches, art and of course a small video. If you want to see what I have done and what I'm messing with, you are welcome to make your way over to youtube.

Here's to another great year of living, learning and growth on all fronts.

~ Enjoy!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Art for art sake

  If you table top game virtually - Well here you go friends - use and share.

This is why we love to live.

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Art and stuff - Time to get back to arting things.

 These are a few thing that I am looking into creating and sharing... a phone wall paper was fun... the face was great. Tongue and all because, Why not! I was also exploring the fantasy flower thing too.



~ Enjoy!

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Comic Lettering

 Have you ever wondered how comic books were lettered back in the day?

I'll tell you that there were many more analogue tools out there than you might ever realize!

Here is one that was popular among typesetters and lettering pros! Enter the 'Leroy lettering set".

~ Enjoy

Friday, February 03, 2023

Video spoiler...

 A small sample of a comic page or two... You have to keep on keeping on and try and do cool stuff!


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Life Trials and Tribulations.

 Crazy world just keeps spinning on!

I just can't figure out how some people manage all the rejection in life. The demands of family, bills and just moving forward can be a real challenge. I have been reviewing the cost of living in various cities... 8 million dollars for a condo in NYC to 2 million dollar homes in T.O. and Vancouver... I look around at my past jobs just trying to make ends meat with two or three minimum wage jobs and realized how little certain social economic groups care about the struggles of the average person. But hey, they have a great view over looking a lake or mountain range. 

How I keep sane - walks and exercise. Breath and move and breath some more. You cannot control the world around you. Your body will never know the difference between good stress or bad stress... Keep working physically or you fade. Read, challenge your mind and try again.

Yes - Life is a challenge and a journey. You keep moving forward. Don't look back to often or you'll lose your way forward. Another week of hunting, seeking and searching. What is going to be at the end of your finish line? That is a question I ask often.

Bring on the new week, game of life is once again on.
